Evan mccants
Campus Staff
I was broken, in sin, and unaware that the direction of my life wasn't one that would lead me to salvation. I always thought that if my good works outweighed my bad works then I would be okay. For so long, I put my identity in things that would last forever and sought after things that wouldn't bring me eternal satisfaction. The Lord has utilized people within the ministry of Campus Outreach while I was in college to pursue me and share the gospel and because of this my eternity has changed forever as I have surrendered my life to Jesus Christ.
I'm so grateful that I get to experience such joy, peace, and hope because I get to be with God for eternity. I decided to come on staff because I want others to experience that same hope.
I'm so grateful that I get to experience such joy, peace, and hope because I get to be with God for eternity. I decided to come on staff because I want others to experience that same hope.