Our passion is to see the next generation impact the world for the glory of God

“Our biggest prayer for Briarwood was, ‘God make this a world-changing church.’ There are countless people, ministries, and new churches to which we could point to for how God has been so generous to answer that prayer. I believe that Campus Outreach is one of the key ways God has worked to bring world-changing impact.

Dr. Frank Barker
Pastor Emeritus, Briarwood Presbyterian Church

Prayer was the catalyst that sparked the ministry of Campus Outreach. In the mid 1970s, Barbara Barker (1936-2022), wife of Frank Barker (1932-2021), developed a heart for a young man named Tom Carradine. God was at work in his life through the continued prayers of Barbara Barker.

Late one night, Tom called Barbara and shared with her that he had decided to surrender his life to Christ. With a new found faith and a passion for Jesus to be made known in his fraternity, Tom began to be discipled by Frank Barker. Personal discipleship and a heart for evangelism set the trajectory for what would soon become Campus Outreach.

Shortly after Tom came to faith, another young man named Curtis Tanner linked arms alongside Tom with the same passion to see Christ exalted on campus. Tom and Curtis - Compelled by deep convictions for evangelism, discipleship and the Great Commission - began dreaming and planning alongside Frank Barker about expansion and reaching the world for Christ.

Under the leadership of Briarwood Presbyterian Church, the proclamation of the gospel, and the power of the Holy Spirit, Campus Outreach was founded in 1978. Beginning at Samford, God began to multiply the ministry. What took place can only be described as a remarkable work of God.

Within 10 years, CO had multiplied to 9 campuses in Alabama and Georgia. In 1989, the second CO region was launched in Augusta, Georgia under the authority of First Presbyterian Church. One year later, CO Birmingham launched its first international franchise to Bangkok, Thailand. 

Almost 50 years later Campus Outreach is impacting college students all over the world. Campus Outreach Birmingham, the flagship region for CO global,  has maintained almost 50 years of Kingdom impact on college campuses through the faithful giving, prayers, and partnerships of individuals and churches.