Birmingham Staff

Amy Baxter

Mobilization Coordinator

I grew up in a great family and church that taught me about God and how to love Him from the time I was born. It wasn’t until High School that God used some friends to help me see that despite my striving, I could never be good enough on my own record to be able to stand in the presence of the only perfect Holy God; even on my best day when I did everything right and nothing wrong, I knew I still had a problem with sin. It was at that time that I knew I needed more than knowledge about God, saw my need for Jesus to be my Savior and began to follow Him as Lord. I went on to college at Samford University where God used the ministry of Campus Outreach to help me grow in my faith and love for the things God loves. Upon finishing college I decided to serve God by joining staff with Campus Outreach to utilize my administrative gifts for the ministry and recently, I've been focusing on mobilizing our students by helping them make decisions about next steps after college and transition well to continue walking with God and making an impact in the world.