Birmingham Staff
Antonia and Hannah Mccurdy
Campus Staff
I grew up in a church background, but never knowing what it meant to be apart of the Church truly being the body of Christ. I was a part of the body of the world seeking to glorify myself and not God! This led me to a point that I sought out all of my fleshy desires to gain approval finding there was no hope in it as it led me to my lowest point in life. But by the grace of God, using my mother to preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ to me, my heart was opened to the understanding that I am nothing, and Christ is everything I need!
Once I became saved, I was so impacted by seeing God’s grace work in my life that I prayed multiple times for God to use me in any way possible to preach His Gospel in a massive way so others can see the Glory of God like I was able to. Although I did not know what that fully meant, how that would look, and even what the Bible said about it, I just had a desire; and over the years I saw God fulfill that desire. As I came to college I was introduced to Campus Outreach in my sophomore year and learned such an avenue of how to share the Gospel of Christ as much and best as possible and fell in love with Mission and ministry to the point of now knowing how I can live out the desire and life Christ has given me not only just as my lifestyle but as my career for the rest of my life to see others gain life.
I grew up in a Christian family, but did not know the Lord until junior high. Since then, the Lord has done great work in my life through many trials, challenges, and his overwhelming grace. He continued to build in my heart a desire to share His gospel and reach others in a personal way. I saw a very deep need for the lost, those that do not know Christ. Being involved Campus Outreach at West Georgia was such a life-giving experience that grew my heart more for this and I began to grow more as a leader and laborer for Christ. I would love to help others find this as well and for their lives to be radically changed by the gospel. I desire to help build and equip laborers for His Kingdom!