Birmingham Staff

Ethan and hailey clark

Campus Staff


I grew up thinking I was a Christian, because of all the works I did (church, youth group, and mission trips). I realized in my freshman year in college that I wasn't a Christian due to being shared the gospel and what it looks like to truly follow God accord to what He says in His Word. Since being saved my freshman year, I have seen my life shifted from serving myself to serving him and obeying His Word. The Lord has miraculously saved me through uses Campus Outreach and their staff, and now I can't wait to join along and be apart of what God is doing at Southeastern through Campus Outreach.


Growing up in a catholic high school setting, I believed that I had to be a good person and earn my way to Heaven. I also grew up going to a charismatic church on the weekends where I believed that I was “enough” and to rely on my emotions. I did the Christian things growing up but never understood I was sinful and needed a Savior. My freshman year of college my mom and dad both passed away with in 6 months of each other. I was devastated and at my absolute lowest. I decided to change colleges where I got in touch with Brittany, Josh & eventually Campus outreach. I decided to go to project that summer where I heard the Gospel for the first time & I realized that I needed to repent of sin and to truly believe in Christ’s death.