birmingham Staff

jeff and lauren bolger

Regional Programming Director

Throughout high school, I was dominated by sinful desires and longings to find acceptance from people, which led me to live a very outwardly rebellious lifestyle. I did not care for the things of God and wanted nothing to do with church and religion. About a month before I left for college, I began reading a book by Chette Williams, chaplain for Auburn University's football team. God began to draw me to Himself. God opened my eyes to my sinfulness and my rebellion against Him. I was led to the Bible where I was further convicted of my sin and of the truth of God's Word. The seeds of the gospel that had been planted in my heart as a young child finally took root, and I surrendered my life to Christ. Ultimately, my surrender to Jesus came through His grace and through the power of the gospel permeating my heart and showing me the deep love that Christ had for me when He became my sin on the Cross! Since then, I have grown a lot in my understanding of the gospel and the glorious truth that God is most glorified in me when I am most satisfied in Him.