Birmingham Staff
Jeff Bolger
Development DIRECTOR
Throughout high school, I lived a very outwardly rebellious lifestyle. I did not care for the things of God and wanted nothing to do with church and religion. About a month before I left for college, I began reading a book by Chette Williams, and God began to draw me to Himself. God began opening my eyes to my own sinfulness and was led to read the Bible where I was further convicted of my sin. The seeds of the gospel that had been planted in my heart as a young child finally took root, and I surrendered my life to Christ. God was merciful to me and showed me the immeasurable love that He has for me in Christ. Since then, Jesus has continued to hold me fast and be faithful to our family! I can truly attest to the promise that true life is found in a personal relationship with Jesus, and it is my hope that more and more people experience that reality in their own lives.