Birmingham Staff
Rachel Cain
Campus Staff
I am so blessed to have never known a day that I did not know Jesus Christ. Around the age of ten, I began to better understand the gospel and desired to live my life for Christ. I was raised in a loving, Christian home with wonderful parents who continue to point me towards Christ daily. Going into college at The University of Alabama, the Lord was pressing on my heart to pursue full time ministry. Through college ministries, the Lord grew my love for God, His Word, His people, the unreached, and living out the Great Commission. Following college, I spent one year living in East Asia evangelizing and discipling college students. After returning to the United States, God gave me the opportunity to serve on staff at a local church in Birmingham for the past two years as the Junior High Director. Now, as I join Campus Outreach Staff at The University of Alabama, I pray that the Lord would continue to draw my heart to himself, open lost students’ hearts, and equip laborers to be exported out into his harvest field.