CO Mini Camp is a spiritual investment taking place over one weekend in the summer for the purpose of spiritual and leadership development. Mini Camp participants will engage in fun activities on the beach and around the city and have small group discussions with other football players. These will be real life discussions on what it means to be an emerging leader and a college athlete. On top of this, there will be formal development sessions led by former and current NFL players and chaplains connecting the experience of being a college football player with becoming a Christ like leader for years to come. Mini Camp will be held in Panama City Beach, Florida.
June 6-8, 2025

“Mini camp helped me understand how to best utilize my time to spend time with God and invest in my relationship with Him.”
Zeke Vandenburgh
LB, Illinois State University
“After coming to Mini Camp, I feel ready to go back to my campus and share my faith with my teammates”
Dallas Gamble
CB, University of South Alabama
“God used minicamp to show me that football should not be my identity because I’ll never be fulfilled with football but that my identity should be in him and l should treat football as a gift from God grace.”
Marzavion Dix
DL,University of West Georgia
“Demario explained that we have to commit to this life we want to live because sometimes it's tough, but our lives are a part of God's big story.”
Tyler Price
RB, University of North Alabama
“One of the biggest things I've learned is how much of a role community plays in your growth as a person.”
Trenton Hatfield
S, Illinois State University
"Mini camp helped me grow and taught me so much about my faith. Having the opportunity to hear from Demario really pushed me to have a closer relationship with Christ and a stronger desire to lead and help my teammates grow."