Jesus in Psalm 1

Even though the book of Psalms never mentions the name Jesus. Ultimately all Scriptures find fulfillment in the person of Christ. Psalms 1 is no different. Christ is a model of perfect meditation. Christ always delighted “in the law of the Lord.”1 He lived “like a tree planted by streams of water.”2 At the cross, “he virtually ‘bled’ Scripture, quoting it in the most extreme moments of his life.”3 Jesus is the model and source of Christian meditation. John describes the incarnation as “the word became flesh and dwelt among us.”4 In a sense, Jesus is the pure meditation of God. He was Scripture made real, God’s Word in human form. Despite his perfect meditation and holiness, Jesus experienced the wrath reserved for the wicked. At the cross, Jesus stood in judgment with the wicked, sinners, and scoffers. He perished with the wicked. Instead of watching and drawing close to Christ, the Father poured out His wrath upon Him. God drove him away like chaff. Only because Christ experienced judgment as if He was sinner, can believers stand in confidence on judgment day. As believers meditate on the finished work of Christ, they will become trees with deep roots.

1 Psalms 1:2
2 Psalms 1:3
3 Keller, Praying with the Psalms, 17.
4 John 1:14

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